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"How move to Italy in a few months"

By Avv. Michele Capecchi, LL.M.

Italy offers a diverse array of visa and residency options tailored to various individuals, including retirees, professionals, investors, and students. Accurately navigating this legal landscape is crucial to avoid delays, complications, or rejections. This article delves into the SELF EMPLOYMENT WORK VISA, normally used by people who want to move their life (and business) to ITALY, as soon as possible. This article will cover some of the key points of the procedure, for a non-EU citizen, to bring and start a new business in Italy

'the 1948 Exception case'by Michele Capecchi  One of the most important principles of acquiring Italian citizenship is based on the nationality of one or both of your parents. Known as “jus sanguinis” (meaning “right of blood” in Latin), it is the rule by which citizenship is determined or acquired...

Steps to take, documents you'll need. by Michele Capecchi I often receive enquiries about how to obtain Italian citizenship by descent: my great-grandfather was Italian by birth, and then moved abroad over 100 years ago. Can I claim Italian citizenship and obtain an Italian passport? The acquisition of citizenship through ancestry,...

When all that glitters isn't necessarily Michele CapecchiEvery week, at least one client contacts my legal firm to help them achieve their “Italian dream” of buying real estate here. Many people ask about the “one-euro homes” and whether Italy is really selling property that...